Thursday, March 24, 2011

Computer Lab Seating Chart

In using Word document, my benefit to creating a seating chart was a lot easier because of using pictures instead of trying to draw it on the paint tool. One limitation in using Word document was that the picture was too big for the screen and I had to keep minimizing it to the right size.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dream Computer

Dream Computer
The greatest computer will never be built, or at least in my lifetime. Going to BestBuy and going thru aisles of laptops trying to find the right one. I found myself drawn to the Toshiba laptops. It is a high quality brand name and has shown me throughout the years that anything and everything they create seems to be a winner. It has to be practical in size and powerful enough to handle the most strenuous projects. The components in this PC were more than I needed for a price I just couldn’t resist.
I got tired of tangled wires and a cluttered desktop, that’s why I use a laptop. The screen of the computer needs to be pretty big enough so I or the student can see it clearly. It is 19 inches has a resolution of 1080 HD ($1200). To go along with this great screen will be a great sound system, to further enhance the movie theater like setup that my computer will be capable of. My sound system of choice is the Yamaha YST-MS55D ($100). With 80 watts of power this 3-piece speaker system will quickly turn my computer into a powerful Mp3 jukebox. The Hard drive is going to be over 8 gigabytes, so that the computer can hold more information and files. The more gigabytes, the faster it is. Cheap digital cameras are becoming more popular, and webcams are now sold for under $40. The built-in webcam and microphone will have good resolution, picture quantity, and amazing sound.
I love running tons of programs at once, like even now as I’m writing this paper, I have two instances of Internet Explorer running, YouTube with two windows associated with it. One is this Post-it notes program, it keeps me organized just as post-it notes do, but not they are on my computer screen as opposed to them falling off the edges of my monitor as they once did. I would definitely go no slower that one gigabyte SDRAM. It is superior to regular RAM is that it adds a separate clock signal to the control signals. SDRAM chips can contain more complex state machines, allowing them to support "burst" access modes that clock out a series of successive bits.
Also, ever have water or something sticky accidently poured on your computer? A water-proof and fire-proof computer is a must. Fire-proof meaning that if you are on the computer for 3 days and the computer over-heats. A good warranty is key, along with having repair services available to you close to your home. No one wants to have to be without a computer for too long, nor have to mail it out. For the most part computer products seem to have a very low rate of failure while they are covered under warranty, but it never hurts to get the longest warranty available, even if it is at an additional cost. This cost is usually below the cost of repair and always under the cost of replacement. This computer would cost a grand total of $3500, plus a few other additional costs such as the cost of the casing itself as well as some other small cables and parts.